Thursday, June 6, 2013

My princesses

For days 4 and 5 of the ICAD (Index Card A Day) challenge, I focused on my granddaughter's love of princesses, and specifically, a conversation Holly and I had in which she was trying to convince Abigail that princesses wear pants. Well, at least Jasmine does. It was also noted by someone else on facebook that Ariel wears a similar outfit, but fins. Then when "crown" came up as one of the prompts on ICAD, and a couple of other ICAD posters followed their own beat and drew their own mermaids, I decided I could draw both Jasmine and Ariel to represent the "crown" prompt.


  1. Love your princesses, I have used crown as a prompt as well.

  2. Disney princesses...brilliant! sounds like that was a great discussion about wearing pants, too. I think a princess can wear whatever she wants, don't you?! fun cards...

  3. these are very very cute... and great use of the prompt... my daughter loved Ariel when she was little... in fact she would only answer to the name Ariel for months and months... fun times and memories xx

  4. I really like these princess cute!!! Of course, princesses wear pants :)

  5. Love your characters. They are both stunning, both very character-filled. Love the colouring in.

  6. Thanks for all the blog love, ICAD participants! I've put some more ICADs up today.
