Friday, June 21, 2013

Give it your all

I enjoy running, and belong to a running club. Consequently I receive a magazine with all kinds of advice about running. While it may have been helpful, I loved the images of runners within for a much different reason. They make fantastic additions to my art journaling.

My latest contribution to the Index Card A Day Challenge combines both interests. Because whether it's running the streets, running my business or art journaling, I am interested in transforming potential into performance.

These runners are in the 1976 Olympic Marathon  I have never run a marathon, nor has 75 percent of the membership of my running club. The 25 percent that has run them would be lucky to finish around 3 hours and 20 minutes. The best of these runners probably finished in more like 2 hours and 20 minutes. So, while they aren't sprinters, they, like all Olympic runners, were designed for speed. They definitely run with everything they've got.  But then so do my marathoner friends, and I'd like to think that I do when I run a 5K. And I would like to think I give all that I have to other things I do,  although I know in some areas, that's not ture.

But whatever I do it's good advice. For me, and for you. Once you realize that you need to do what you were designed for, and you give that everything you've got, your winning season starts now. So make he most of every advantage, and go run.

Art journaling is probably not what I'm designed for, but when an idea comes together, I will run with it. This idea is "found poetry,"  which is collecting words and phrases from a magazine and assembling them into some kind of poem. If you squint at the blurry lines, you see my poem says what I've said here. Not a bad found poem!


  1. Good for you for running! Walking is the best I can do :)
    Love your ICAD!

  2. Neat, I like what you've done. I love the idea of found poetry.

  3. A friend of mine has recently become obsessed with half marathons! SHe is working her way up to a marathon. Love the story behind this ICAD.

  4. AH. Found poetry is always fun. It has that certain mystique about it.

  5. Great message...whatever it is, give it your all and do your best...well done!
