Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The last part of my trip

I imagine I will, soon enough, be posting more about our trip to  Colorado here. But for now I wanted to give you a look at a picture from the latter part of our trip, when we were at Cayucos. I don't have as many pictures from there, because the regular digital camera was dead, and we took most of  our pictures with an improperly loaded film camera. Plus, I just didn't take as many pictures!

The only ones that turned out were a few I snapped during my 6.2 mile run along the beach on Dec. 30.  That's because I didn't lug my big film camera on that run, I took my cell phone. Here's one of those.

Today, I attempted to draw the picture for my art journal. What do you think? I wish the blue was showing up more here. I also wish  the burlap I put on my previous art journal creation wasn't hanging down on this page when I  try to photograph it.

In the upper left corner, I wrote a list of four things I find calming. They are: 1: The ocean. 2. Running, 3. Art and 4. A nice cup of tea.

And if you care about my art journaling process, note that, as I did yesterday's creation, I started out by staining the page with a teabag. At the end, I added a little bit of blue with my water color pencils. In between, I drew the bird on the rock, and wrote my list with my favorite lead point pencil. (It's nothing special, just a nice pencil I received as a spouse appreciation gift from the Air National Guard back when Don was still in, and was being honored for his service (at March) during Operation Enduring Freedom. Hard to believe Don has been out of the Guard for two years as of today.

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