Friday, October 7, 2011

And, in memory of Grandmother

As of today, this blog belongs to a Grandma who doesn't have that specialness of being both a gradmother and a granddaughter. My Grandma has gone home to the Lord. Go to my first post to see why Helen Dill was a special lady. She had been suffering from congestive heart failure, so I am both sad and relieved.

But stay tuned. I am obviously going to have to refocus this blog to de-emphasize the granddaughter part, and better empasize the "Grandma Ellen" part. I'm not sure how that will look. My granddaughter lives in Colorado. I have ascertained that I actually have a personality more like my other Grandma, Grandma Van Curen. Grandma Dill was a very calming spirit, Grandma Van Curen and I are more feisty.

Both were good Grandmas. One died way to soon, when she was 60. The other had the privlege of being a grandmother for almost 50 years. Let's hope I'm closer to Grandma Dill's age as far as my own longetivity.

I don't know what legacy I'll leave Abigail and any grands that come after her. I will definitely try to let Grandma Dill's legacy guide me. If I bring my Grandma Van Curen's spirit too, I guess that's a good thing.

I am Grandma Ellen. I didn't become a grandma in completely the normal way, since Holly is my stepdaughter. And since I start with that somewhat unique facet, then for one year and 24 days added to it the even more unique facet of bein a grandaughter, grandmother, I'll continue to find my own way to be a wonderful but unique Grandma to Abigail. I will bring to her my Grandma Van Curen's spirit AND my Grandma Dill's compassion, as best I can. And, as I see fit, I'll share that unique goodness with anyone who wants to know more about my take on being a grandmother.

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