Sunday, September 9, 2012

Some scrapbooking fun

Hapy Grandparents' Day everyone! I was so happy to be wished one myself by my stepdaughter, who is a mom to 1.9 kids (the younger expected to arrive any day now). And it was so fun to see my friend Thena Cullen Smith's pages about her grandparents that she's been posting on Facebook this morning, especially since those are true heritage pages, as Thena is at least old enough to be a grandmother herself.

I may or may not celebrate Grandparents' Day with my scrapbooking. I have an idea to do one page about Abigail, but seeing Thena's pages makes me wonder if I should just do something about my own, now all deceased, grandparents instead.

The page about Abigail I have planned would fit in with a very fun online crop I have discovered.  Back 2 Class doesn't mean much here of course. The only person in school at this time is Don, and he was not only taking classes all summer, he was also volunteering all summer in a classroom at a year-round school, a class that went off track in September. I will be joining Don at school in October, although I will be going to UCR-Extension instead of CBU. So with the elementary school class and my class starting in October, I guess that's really back-to-school month for us.

But the Back 2 Class Online Crop is fun. It offers multiple challenges, each based on a certain subject you might have taken at some point in school. You can submit one layout for each challenge. Unfortunately, the requirement is one layout, one challenge, and it must be a new layout.

My problem is, one of my layouts fits at least five of their challenges, and I actually created it with Friday's CSIColorStories challenge in mind, not this one. Another one of the challenges inspired me to redo the page about what I did on my 50th birthday. I of course finished that page some six months ago, but the challenge helped me give it some more oomph, so for that I am glad. Sunday, I saw that it also would have fit a second challenge.

And so far, I have done one page that fits one challenge of this online crop. In addition, there were five existing layouts that fit one of the challenges. In those cases, I hope a great crop like this will inspire some new ones as well, but I usually have to have some more of a starting point than  these challenges offer. That's why I often combine crop challenges.

I'm going to share all three of the recently completed or redone pages here, as well as what I posted to CSI on Friday night before redoing for this crop. In the post after this, I'm sharing an existing layout that fit the crop's "drama" challenge, because you all need to know the state/local political drama that has been going on here for 14 months, and has influenced how I think about government.

My original Run 2012 layout as posted on CSI Color Stories

The redo, which fits the Back2Class Online Crop's Math assignment, which is to use four pattern papers, three cardstock pieces (I used four), four of one emellishment (green flowers), three of another (white flowers) and 14 of something else (brads.) This layout also fits the crop's journalism assignment (write at least three to four sentences of journaling), the recess assignment (use a photo of outdoor activity), the and the physical education assignment (use a photo showing motion). It even fits the somewhat more complicated health assignment, which was to do a layout focusing on my (the scrapbooker's) body. Although there is a group of us in this photo, that's me in the orange shirt and white shorts. The journaling I had already done tells how running has affected me physically, and concludes with my desire to run farther and faster in the rest of 2012.  I did not run today, but I did walk nine miles this morning with some of these same people.

The health assignment also specified to use things starting with the letters B-O-D-Y. This layout already had that. It uses brads, one photo, Die Cuts With A View brand paper (known as DCWV in the scrapbooking world) and yellow cardstock.

I have come along ways since this day a little more than six months ago. On that day, my actual 50th birthday, I went three miles with Riverside Road Runners beginners' group, running part of the way and sprinting into Arlington Heights Sports Park at the end of my workout. Then I did everything you see pictured here. A few days later, I made this layout, but a little differently than what you see here. It was the perfect candidate for the Back2Class online crop's Home Ec class, which required following a recipe of five pattern papers, a border punched element, "stitching" a pennant and a butterfly element. I already had two of the pattern papers and the pendant on the page, but this redo required a little bit of lifting up and fixing. The red strip 2/3 of the way down, already cut on its jagged printed lines, is now border-punched as well. Above that, and above the pendant, there is some purple fiber. Since I don't have a sewing machine and punching this background paper full of needle holes wasn't an acceptable option, I like how the fiber resembles "messy" stitching. The pendant itself was made of the same three colors of solid papers, but I like these patterns. The pink and lavender ones have been in my stash since about 2005, the Basic Grey almost as long, and the red pendant paper is something I once received in a swap. Lastly, I added a butterfly, cut from pattern paper I bought in June. Sometimes you just have to wait until something good comes along.

This is the one layout that I made so far only because of the Back2Class Online Crop. The "reading" assignment provides a list of current best-selling book titles, one of which is The Dog Stars. That book surely must be about these adorable pooches a friend (somewhat related) placed on Facebook a few days ago. So they deserved to be captured on page.

They have some more classes for me to work on today. Yearbook is my next choice. You know how some lucky students were given the superlatives like "Best Looking" or "Most Spirited?" The assignment is to make a layout giving someone one of those superlative students.

I was not awarded a superlative, and I'm not sure if my stepdaughter was, but we can hope my granddaughter will receive one in 2028. For now, she's definitely already caught onto her mom's love of Ohio State, because Holly sent me a really cute picture of Abigail in a Buckeye dress. So, she will be my subject for the next assignment, most likely. Stay tuned.

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