Four generations in Don's family that is. Between his granddaughter, his sister Nancy's grandson and two of his youngest brother Brian's grandchildren, there are actually at least four 4-generation photos. Joan has a few more great granchildren than that, depending on how you count them, anywhere from seven to nine, actually.
The four generations in the above photo, are, left to right, oldest to youngest, Great-Grandma Joan Porter, Grandpa Donald Porter, Mama Holly Cronin and Baby Abigail Cronin. I'm going to be adding this one taken by Rob Cronin, or the one I took myself, to a collection. I have a picture Don's father took of Don, his sister Nancy, his brother David, his mom, his grandma and his great-grandma. I also have two that I took myself of the 2005 version of Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Porter (Joan and Wendall), with Grandpa Brian Porter, parents Danielle Porter and Paul Porter, and babies Andrew Porter and Aidan Porter (now both age 6). And I think Joan has one where Holly's the baby!
For awhile, there were six generations in my extended family.

This was Thanksgiving 2008, one of the three Thanksgiving celebrations at my brother's house, which I attend every other year. Generations 4-6 were in the next room, save for whichever one of them we rooked into taking the photo of Grandma, her direct descendents and her spouses. To link all the generations there at this and the 2010 Thanksgiving you had to throw in a few step-parenting arrangements, and because Aaron is less than 10 years older than his former stepchildren, he had a "son-in-law" who is 2 years older than he is. I did not have my camera at the 2008 celebration, and Tonee was sick last year. She died on July 27, 2011. But, just for the memory, here is the Van Curen family's "six generations."
1. Grandma Dill
2. John and Carol Van Curen, also Ron and Annie Hughart
3. Aaron Van Curen and Tonee Van Curen (whom all of us will miss) - also Don and me, and Ron and Annie's children and sons-in-law
4. Tonee's children, including Pam and her man, Bruce (also John and TJ, and TJ's husband Tom)
5. Bruce's son Bruce Jr. and his girlfriend
6. Bruce Jr.'s son Xavier
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